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Popcorn To Change The World

I just bought popcorn from a Boy Scout who came knocking on my door. I had just gotten home from training at the gun range, slipped into my dress, and answered the door. The young boy on my doorstep was visibly surprised by my red high heels and vintage dress. Nonetheless, he did a great job as a popcorn salesman. He sold me and I bought some popcorn with a good old-fashioned handshake. I took note of his strong handshake and was proud to call him a Boy Scout. That experience left me feeling proud that I am supporting a group of young men growing in their masculinity.

By way of explanation, I am a traditionalist when it comes to masculine and feminine roles. I want to dress pretty and have a man protect me and give me security. I want to adore a man and serve him, yet I want to build an empire and be a team with men. I can't do it all! I don't want to do it all. At this moment in my life, I am doing it all, but it is not my desire to continue by myself forever.

I am raising the best young men I know how to raise as a single woman. I raise my boys to be men of the house. I hope that my feminine energy empowers their masculine energy. I hope to teach them to be strong and kind. I do not believe in "wrestling" with my boys as I do not ever believe in a woman emasculating a young man. I want to raise my boys to honor, protect, and nurture feminine energy. Never do I want them to be emasculated and wounded by an energy that should empower them to be truly masculine, powerful men who can change the world.

I honor my sons. At times I get angry with them, but in that space, I also teach them to fight back. I teach them to never cower to a woman's wrath. Instead, I teach them to seek to understand her anger and then guide her back into her feminine nature by asking questions of me like, "What is wrong mom? Why are you so angry?" My answer to them usually is "Mama is tired and stressed out about life right now. I don't know how to do this by myself right now and I need some help from you boys". That honest answer from me is almost always greeted with a hug from my sons and then an act of service that says, "We got your back mom.” That is masculinity and femininity working in harmony. True masculinity can guide and keep a woman in her feminine. Only in her feminine is a woman truly happy and truly powerful.

I am a strong woman. I love strong sports - I love strong language - I love strong whiskey…. but in my heart of hearts and in my true nature, I AM a feminine woman always and forever!

Masculinity calls forth femininity . . . Femininity calls forth masculinity.

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