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            Family Personality Strategy

  Family personality strategy sessions are designed to help families understand and appreciate each other's unique personalities. By learning about each other's personality type, birth order, and placement in the family, family members can gain a deeper understanding of their individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as how they relate to each other.

Parents will learn how to be effective leaders who earn respect from their children by modeling honesty, empathy, and understanding. Children will learn to see their parents as individuals who experience the same feelings and challenges they do, which can help them build a deeper bond with their family.

Through my family personality strategy sessions, we will work on building a proper pecking order where each member values and has fun with their parents and siblings' unique personalities and what they bring to the family dynamic. Family members will learn to communicate better and to not take each other's differences personally. By viewing their family relationships as one of the greatest teachers in their lives, family members can learn to appreciate and celebrate each other's unique qualities and strengths, which can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious family life.

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