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  • Writer's pictureHannah Hannah

Let Us Not Forget

Let us not forget that We, America's women took care of America at it’s darkest hours during WWII

We stood united together! Women united!

This is not a women’s rights speech. This is a “women lets get right speech!”

When we ran America during world war II it was in a spirit of unity. United energy and a united force standing alongside each other. Standing guard on our soil supporting our husbands, brothers, fathers and sons who were countries away.

We had their back, and they had America’s back.

In that spirit and energy of unity, everything flowed. We lived inspired! That was the era of true sexiness. When the war was over, that spirit of unity lived on! It lived on in our fashion. It lived on in our automobiles and our appliances. Our clothes were sexy, our cars were sexy.

Women’s fashion was full and feminine. The vehicles angles flowed unified and solid. To this day we seek out and pay high price for the cars of that era. Even the fashion is in high demand.

We seek out the objects of that time in history, but can’t we see that it was not the objects…. It is the energy that those objects embody that we are after. The energy of unity and community. The energy of inspiration and courage. It was the unity that inspired the true sexiness of the 40”s, 50’s, and even the 60’s.

We took pride in ourselves! We took pride in our fashion, in our cars, in our families, in our nation. We took pride in what we produced!

We cared! We respected ourselves and those around us when we took pride in US.

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