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What separates you ?

Imagine being able to feel okay inside no matter what is happening outside of you. "Don't let your mind make it a problem," is a key phrase to remember. The problem is not the external circumstances but who you "think" you are, which may be holding you back from what you truly seek in life: to just be okay inside.

We all seek inner peace, but we often do not realize that our personal preferences, fears and desires, created by our minds, prevent us from attaining it. Our childhood, environment, culture, and life experiences shape our personality and inform what we want and fear in life. When we do not get what we desire or experience what we fear, our minds react, and we suffer by resisting what is.

By understanding your unique personality, we can begin to identify and deconstruct the ways in which your mind causes you stress. We can then learn to surrender, accepting what is and finding inner peace, while also accepting who we are on the outside. This therapeutic approach helps counter the effects of our minds' unique ways of creating stress and tension.

About Personality Strategy

Your Own Happiness

The mission is to inspire you to become self-sufficient and dependent on noone but yourself  for your happiness. "If you MAKE someone happy, you will have to keep them happy, and that is a terrible taskmaster".

 When you learn to make yourself happy, then you become the observer of your own life. Embracing all of the amazing moments that pass you by and leaving each moment better off for having crossed your path. 

Let's Get To It

As the saying goes, "You have to go through it to get to it." In this case, "it" is peace, the ultimate goal.

The path to peace lies just beyond who you "think" you are. It begins with the first step of learning to feel your emotions without becoming them. As I like to say, "Feel the feeling without becoming the feeling." This allows the mind to stir your feelings, while you remain physically at peace as the observer of your life instead of a puppet of life.

Are you ready to experience everyday of your life as an adventure?!

"There is Only Greatness in those who Observe Life" Hannah Hananh

There is Only Greatness in those

who observe Life. Hannah Hannah 

 Services Offered

Personal Strategy

Who are you when it comes to how you see the world and interact with others? Lets dive into understanding what makes you, you!

Culture & Team Strategy 

Building a strong culture is like laying the perfect foundation for a house.  Once a solid culture mission is in place, you can build a strong team. 

Couples Strategy 

Let's prioritize your individual growth and well-being, so that you can enter a relationship as a whole and complete person

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Family Strategy

Gain insight into each other's personality and birth order to value and appreciate each other's unique strengths and contributions to your family.

Parent Strategy

Your children are part of your journey, they are not your journey.  I'm here to support you as you take your journey and allow your kids to take their journey.

Adventure Aly

Do you need someone to call to celebrate your wins or talk about your day? Or maybe you need a friend to go on an adventure with? Call me to talk or have me join you to for an event or a day out in the dirt!


Discover if my programs are right for you!

Services Offered

About Personality Strategy

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