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                         Couples Personality Strategy

  Couples personality strategy focuses on helping each individual learn to be okay with themselves first. By using my personality tools, each person can better understand themselves, their unique gifts and strengths, and their potential areas for growth. This self-discovery journey allows them to become more aware of their own triggers, reactions, and patterns, which can help them navigate their relationship more effectively.

In addition, my strategy emphasizes the importance of not taking each other personally. By understanding each other's personalities, each partner can gain a deeper appreciation for their unique qualities and strengths. This can lead to a greater sense of understanding, compassion, and respect for one another. Rather than seeing their differences as sources of conflict, they can learn to see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Ultimately, my couples personality strategy aims to help each partner embrace their true selves and bring their best selves to the relationship. By doing so, they can build a strong foundation of trust, communication, and understanding, which can lead to a more fulfilling and enriching relationship.

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